Grow Sales With DIY Online Marketing

in Business, Your Business

Even if you’re happy with your current sales figures, there’s always room for improvement. Do-it-yourself online marketing can give your bottom line an inexpensive boost. Here are some things to try:

  • Make use of affiliates: Third-party publishers promote your business online, generating new customers and leads for your product or service. In exchange, you pay them a percentage of each sale they make.
  • Develop your social media: Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn allow you to keep in touch with your established customers while growing your brand. Social media is more informal, so be sure to create a lighter, more casual presence than your website.
  • Be mobile friendly: How often do you use your phone to go online? Your customers are doing the same thing. Make your website and other marketing materials mobile-friendly. Use texting to reach local customers.
  • Build your base through giveaways: Who doesn’t like to receive free stuff? Use that to your advantage. Offer a coupon or free gift in exchange for email addresses to expand your mailing list.
  • Create a YouTube channel: You’ve almost certainly gone there before to get information. So why not tap into your inner Spielberg and start your own YouTube channel? Create videos showcasing what your company does or how your products work. Be an expert!
  • Add testimonials to your site: Encourage your customers to submit written testimonials that share their experiences with your products and staff. You may want to consider offering a discount for their next purchase or other suitable gift if they do. Don’t forget: positive reviews on Yelp and other sites can really help raise your visibility and credibility with customers.

Not all of these tactics may be applicable to your business…nor are they guaranteed to work every time. But, making the effort to incorporate one or more of them could be key to building your customer base and improving your profitability.

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