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What is the “paper statement fee” that appears on my statement?

There is a fee to receive a paper account statement, unless you opt to receive your statements electronically. (Customers with only an installment loan are exempt from the fee. Customers who have a CD with First Internet Bank and no other type of account will not receive an account statement and are therefore exempt from the fee as well.)

What should I do to close my loan account?

Paying your loan balance in full — including accrued interest — will close any installment loan. We will release any security documents (i.e., car or boat titles) 7 calendar days after we receive your payoff. To determine your payoff amount, please contact a First Internet Bank Relationship Banker at or 1-888-873-3424.

How can I get more deposit slips?

You can access a page of deposit slips through the online banking site or you can click here for a page of deposit slides you may print and use. The form is a PDF file, so you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print the form. To access the page through online banking, log in to your account, click Additional Services and select Print Deposit Slips.

How can I request more deposit (pre-paid) envelopes?

You can order more deposit envelopes at any time. Log in to your online banking account, click Additional Services, select Request Deposit Envelopes and complete the information. (You can also print deposit slips if you need them.)

How do I make my initial deposit to my First Internet Bank account?

When you apply for a First Internet Bank checking, savings, or CD account, you will designate your funding option when you complete your application. You may use an ACH transaction, write a personal check, set up an external account transfer or send a wire transfer. If you’re writing a personal check, please make the initial deposit check payable to First Internet Bank of Indiana. First Internet Bank cannot accept any third party checks.

When are the deposits I make to my First Internet Bank account available for withdrawal?

Funds you deposit to your First Internet Bank account may not be available for immediate withdrawal. When we place a hold on your deposit, the funds are applied to your current balance and begin accruing interest immediately. However, these funds are not part of your available balance and may not be used for transactions. The length of the hold depends upon the type of deposit you have made. Complete details are available in our Funds Availability Disclosure.

How do I change a nickname for a First Internet Bank account?

To change your account nickname, log in to your online banking account, click My Settings in the upper right corner and click Rename & Hide your accounts. Your new account name may be up to 20 characters long. Please note: Only the primary account holder may change the account nickname. Joint owners do not have the ability to change an account description.

How far back can I view account history?

First Internet Bank makes at least one year of account history available online for most accounts. You may view up to 150 transactions at one time. We encourage you to save electronic copies of your statements if you wish to have access to account history that is older than one year.

I would like to have some money sent to me from my account. How do I request a bank check online?

To request a bank check, please contact a Relationship Banker at 1-888-873-3424. We will mail the check to the address we have on file for you.

If you would like the check sent to a different address or made out to a different person, or if you would like a cashier’s check, we require a written request signed by an authorized account holder.

Please note: There is a $5 charge for each cashier’s check we issue. You may email this request by email at, by toll-free fax at 1-888-644-8678 or by mail to:

First Internet Bank of Indiana
PO Box 6080
Fishers, IN  46038

Important note: If a cashier’s check is lost, stolen or destroyed, you may have to either purchase an indemnity bond or allow 90 days to pass without the original being presented/paid before the check can be replaced. If you request a cashier’s check, we strongly encourage you to request overnight delivery. You may also consider a wire transfer, which is a cost-effective, reliable alternative to cashier’s checks without the expense of overnight delivery.

My husband and I share a checking account but have unique user IDs to access our account online. When I log in using my user ID, I can’t see the payments he has set up. When he logs in using his user ID, he cannot see the payments I have set up. I’m worried we’ll pay the same bill twice. Is there anything we can do to see each other’s payments?

Bill payment service is tied to your user ID, not to the checking account you share. Therefore, you will only be able to see the pending payments you have set up yourself, and the joint account holder will only be able to see the pending payments he/she set up. For that reason, many of our customers using bill payment find it is preferable to designate one user ID for bill payment services.